Our election is coming up on October 20, 2018 and I just wanted to let you know that your voice is important and your vote is your voice.
Langley has, for a long time, grown slowly and quietly with little notice from outside forces allowing a community to emerge that is unique and important in defining what living in Langley means to our families. This situation has changed dramatically in the last few years. Property values have grown exponentially bringing a deluge of new faces and new ideas. Suddenly we find that Langley is being forced to deal with important issues that will have a significant impact on all of us for generations to come.
It is important to know that I feel that change is good and inevitable, change is important and should be viewed with optimism. The changes we are going to see, however, are going to come quick and are going to have a large impact on our lives now and for a long time in to the future. Large areas of our communities are going to be transformed through development which will bring thousands of new citizens to the area and with them a host of potential problems if we do not ensure a smooth transition through good leadership.
Infrastructure is going to be a key issue that will impact us all. Already we are experiencing some of the downside to accelerated growth in Willoughby. Driving up 208th Street, north of the Bypass, we all see what happens when you cram too many people too quickly into an area without first planning how it will all work. Roads, Water Lines, Sewer, Schools, Hospitals, Fire Fighters and Police all have important roles in our life and all will be important issues that need to be dealt with by the next Mayor and council we elect on October 20th.
I am not trying to tell you who to vote for. I respect your opinion and your right to choose what’s best for you and your family. I’m am going to implore you, however, to do your best to become informed about the issues and who would best represent you as a member of our Council. And I am going to remind you how important your vote is.
There are 3 mayoral candidates and 23 Running for Council. 8 are incumbents, 2 have served in past councils and the rest are trying to get on for the first time. For full disclosure; my wife, Michelle Connerty, is running for the first time for a council seat. I ask that you research what she stands for as well as what all the candidates stand for. There are many different voices and many interesting views. The incumbents have a track record we can easily judge by the results of their past decisions. The rest we need to listen to and assess whether or not they stand for and are capable of upholding our values.
Nine of these people will decide Langley’s future and you have an opportunity to help shape that future for the better. On October 20th please vote - it’s your voice and I want to hear it.
Where to Vote
When To Vote
Important Dates
- October 20, 2018 - 8:00am - 8:00pm General Voting Day
- October 24, 2018 - Election signs must be removed
15A – Wednesday, October 10 (8:00am to 8:00pm) Willowbrook - Township Civic Facility, 20338 65 Ave – 1st floor meeting room
15B – Thursday, October 11 (9:00am to 6:00pm) Fort Langley – Riverside Community Amenity Room, 9275B Glover Road. (Facing Bedford Channel in the Fort Pub Building)
15C – Friday, October 12 (8:00am to 8:00pm) Walnut Grove - Walnut Grove Recreation Centre, 8889 Walnut Grove Dr. - Meeting room 4 main floor, to the right of the reception desk
15D – Saturday, October 13 (9:00am to 5:00pm) Willowbrook - Township Civic Facility, 20338 65 Ave – 1st floor meeting room
15E – Monday, October 15 (8:00am to 8:00pm) Aldergrove - Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre Multipurpose room - Second floor – 27032 Fraser Highway.
15F – Tuesday, October 16 (9:00am to 6:00pm) Murrayville – W.C. Blair Recreation Centre, 22200 Fraser Highway – Studio 3 across from the reception desk
15G – Wednesday, October 17 (8:00am to 8:00pm) Brookswood - George Preston Recreation Centre, 20699 42 Ave. Room C.
15H – Thursday, October 18 (9:00am to 3:00pm) University District – Trinity Western University, 7600 Glover Road, David E. Enarson Gymnasium – second floor.